Monday, April 14, 2014

Dare to Dream: Your Past is Not Your Future

"Too many of us are not living our dreams, because we are living our fears" 
~Firdaus Kasim (LPDP Awardee Batch #2)

I know... I know... It's been months since my last update...
In my defense, it's been very busy starting a new life in a foreign country and adapting to a student's lifestyle again after so many years. I will write about all of it someday in this blog, but for now I will just have a brief update on this blog.

In front of RMIT University's Multi-Faith Center

Thanks to my sponsor LPDP, now I'm officially able to study in a foreign country; one of the things that have been dreamed of by many people throughout the world. Coming from a simple family and raised in a small town, in the past, however, I didn't really have the courage to dream such a dream.

Yet, during my study in UI, I met a lecturer who studied in a university in London for his master degree. One day, in a consultation session, he told me a story of his life during his college day in UI.