Monday, April 14, 2014

Dare to Dream: Your Past is Not Your Future

"Too many of us are not living our dreams, because we are living our fears" 
~Firdaus Kasim (LPDP Awardee Batch #2)

I know... I know... It's been months since my last update...
In my defense, it's been very busy starting a new life in a foreign country and adapting to a student's lifestyle again after so many years. I will write about all of it someday in this blog, but for now I will just have a brief update on this blog.

In front of RMIT University's Multi-Faith Center

Thanks to my sponsor LPDP, now I'm officially able to study in a foreign country; one of the things that have been dreamed of by many people throughout the world. Coming from a simple family and raised in a small town, in the past, however, I didn't really have the courage to dream such a dream.

Yet, during my study in UI, I met a lecturer who studied in a university in London for his master degree. One day, in a consultation session, he told me a story of his life during his college day in UI.
Back then, he became a newspaper boy to pay for his tuition. Sometimes in rainy days, the newspapers got soaked he couldn't sell any papers. In the first couple months of his college days, he spent the nights in musholla (Islamic prayer room) since he couldn't afford to pay rent for any boarding house. I was very touched by this story back then. Lucky for him, eventually he met a kind man who offered him shelter in his house. In spite of this story, years later, he got a scholarship to continue his study in London where he got his British accent. This humble man's life story inspired me not to be afraid to chase your dream to study abroad and to see the world despite where you were coming from.  

And here I'm now following his steps in living as a student far away from home, in the world's most livable city, Melbourne.

Melbourne, World's Most Livable City


Now, for those of you reading this blog right now to search for some information on LPDP scholarship, I will honestly tell you that reading the tips shared in this blog and asking questions through comments are useless if you don't act right now!
Not later, not tomorrow, but this very second!

So, do not waste anymore seconds. Start your journey in chasing your dreams to study abroad by following these steps:
Open a new tab, go to LPDP site, and start register NOW!
Don't worry if you haven't got the LoA or haven't written any study plan yet.
You can update all those details later!

p.s. Finally, I am happy to tell you that some of the people leaving their comments here have become fellow LPDP awardees themselves. Proficiat!



  1. Hello Andika,
    Menarik sekali tulisan kamu diatas :), so inspiring! Ada yang ingin saya tanyakan seputar LPDP. Saya telah memegang LOA sekarang, namun belum ada pengumuman dari LPDP karena masih status submit. Berapa lama waktu dari proses wawancara hingga (yg saya tangkap sebagai) training dan dana turun? saya sangat menghawatirkan hal tersebut. Karena waktu mulai studi yang sangat mepet. Terimakasih sebelumnya.


  2. Thanks, Jayarani.
    Zaman saya dulu sih sekitar 3 minggu setelah wawancara.

    Beberapa teman LPDP di Melbourne dari angkatan 9 kemarin hari terakhir training langsung lanjut ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta dan dana turun sekitar 5 hari setelah pengajuan via internet.

    Kalau waktu mulai studi terlalu mepet, coba saja minta deferral dari uni ke semester berikutnya.

  3. Hallo Andika, salam kenal.
    Saya juga mau nanya soal lpdp. Soal status akun lpdp kita sampai hasil seleksi admin pernah berubah tidak sih, soalnya status akun saya sampai sekarang masih "formulir pendaftaran sudah dikirimkan". Saya takutnya kalau itu berarti pendaftaran saya belum diproses sdangkan jadwal pengumumannya kan senin.
    Terima kasih

    1. Maaf kurang bisa menjawab pertanyaan yang satu ini.
      Jujur, kemarin2 saya sendiri kurang memperhatikan status akun LPDP saya sebelum mendapat pengumuman lolos seleksi admin.

  4. hi andika . bagus sekali tulisannya bermanfaat dan menginspirasi . perkenalkan saya sonya mau apply beasiswa LPDP utk s2 di UK . bolehkah saya meminta contoh essay rencana studi dan peranku bagi indonesia ? apakah ditulis dalam bahasa indonesia atau bahasa inggris . terima kasih .

    1. Thanks, Sonya. :D
      Untuk contoh essay, saya sudah menyertakan tautannya dalam artikel mengenai tips seleksi berkas. Silakan mampir ke sana ya.

  5. halo dika . makasih ya jawaban nya . oh ya maaf mau bertanya lagi . boleh kan ? di persyaratan khusus dinyatakan : "Untuk studi program magister di luar negeri, skor minimal: TOEFL ITP® 550/iBT® 79/ IELTS™ 6,5/TOEIC® 750; "

    Apakah ini harus dipenuhi semuanya aau pilih salah satu ? terima kasih dika yang baik hati :)

    1. Wah... maaf saya baru membaca pertanyaan ini jadi mungkin sudah tidak relevan lagi untuk Sonya.

      Tapi untuk teman2 yang lain yang sekiranya masih membutuhkan info, cukup salah satu saja.

  6. Halo Andika, bagus sekali sharingnya
    Oiya saya mau bertanya, untuk surat rekomendasi, apabila sudah bekerja, apa harus surat rekomendasi dari atasan atau boleh dari dosen?

    1. Terimakasih, Natania. :)
      Saya pikir lebih baik dari atasan karena nanti mungkin pekerjaan akan menjadi salah satu topik dalam wawancara..

  7. menurut Anda bagaimana konsep "menjalani mimpi" dapat diterima oleh pembaca, dan menurut Anda apa yang dapat diambil pembaca dari refleksi Anda sendiri? Greeting : Telkom University
